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ZunZun Therapies Reflexology & Massage in Clifton, Bristol


We hope we’ve already started to answer some of your questions in our Therapies Offered pages… However, you may still be wondering about a few things. So on this page, we’ve tried to answer some of the questions most frequently asked by clients.

If there’s anything we haven’t covered, do please get in touch, either by email or give us a call on 07718 337229.

Before my treatment, what do I need to know?
Before your treatment starts, you will be given information, and in some cases, some instructions (these are mainly for those that are having reflexology or a massage for the first time).

Who can have reflexology?
Reflexology is a safe, healing practice suitable for all ages.

Are there any conditions that are unsuitable for reflexology?
There are a few conditions - see below. If you are in any doubt, you should consult your GP or medical practitioner to discuss.

  • Foot fractures, unhealed wounds or active gout in the foot
  • Thrombosis or embolism
  • Any open wounds
  • Osteoarthritis that impacts the foot or ankle
  • Vascular disease of the legs or feet

    Are there any times during pregnancy when I can’t have reflexology?
    You should not have reflexology in early pregnancy (ie, in your first trimester).

    How often can I have reflexology?
    Reflexology is a safe treatment. Some people have a session every week; others choose to have a session on a monthly basis.

    Who is suitable for massage?
    Massage treatment is non-invasive, relaxing and natural. It is therefore generally considered a safe treatment for most people.

    What happens during Shirodhara treatment?
    A person lies down on a massage table with their eyes covered. Next specially prepared warm herbal oil is poured in a thin steady stream directly onto the forehead in a gentle oscillating manner. The procedure is also often paired with a gentle massage performed parallely on the body, alongside the Shirodhara.

    After finishing the dhara, the patient is allowed to take rest for a few minutes. It’s important to wear cloth that you won’t mind to get oil stained.

    Are there any conditions that are unsuitable for massage?
    There are three types of contraindications:
  • Total – when massage should not be performed at all: fever, contagious diseases, under the influence of drugs or alcohol, recent operations or acute injuries, neuritis, skin diseases
  • Local – when massage can be performed but not over the contra-indicated areas: varicose veins, undiagnosed lumps or bumps, bruising, cuts, abrasions, sunburn, undiagnosed pain, inflammation, including arthritis
  • Medical – when massage can only be performed once medical permission has been granted: cardiovascular conditions (thrombosis, phlebitis, hypertension, heart conditions), edema, psoriasis or eczema, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, cancer, nervous or psychotic conditions, heart problems, angina, those with pacemakers, epilepsy, diabetes, Bell's palsy.

    Does a contraindication mean that treatment cannot take place?
    Not always. In fact, massage can be very therapeutic for many medical conditions. However, in the above cases it is best to take advice from your physician.

    Are there any contraindications or cautions for Ayurvedic treatments?
    There are a number of conditions which make Ayurvedic treatments unsuitable:
  • Open sores on the body
  • Fever or chills
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Severe weakness or exhaustion or fainting
  • Sweat Syndrome
  • Dehydration
  • Exhaustion
  • All other acute illness
  • Alcohol or drug intoxication
  • Enlarged spleen, liver or accumulated fluid in the abdomen
  • Cancer
  • Profuse mucous in the chest or sinuses

    When are you open?
    Click here for details of our opening hours.

    How long does a session with you last?
    It depends on what treatment you’re having. Click here for details.

    What should I wear?
    For reflexology, you won’t need to undress; however, we would advise you to wear loose and comfortable trousers. For your massage treatment, you will need to undress down to your underwear.

    Can I ask questions during my treatment?
    If you’d like to ask any questions during your treatment, please do; it is important to us that you feel comfortable, and we are here to help you.

    What happens after my treatment?
    After your treatment, you will be asked to slowly rise from your lying position as you may feel disorientated.

    How will I feel afterwards?
    Different treatments can create different responses. Experiences with reflexology vary from a general sense of relaxation and rest, to an increased conscious awareness internally. Some people find it stimulates a release, through laughter or tears. Many people experience a tingling in the hands and body, as well as feelings of warmth. Also, a sense of opening or energy moving from the therapist’s pressure being applied to the specific body area or organ.

    Reflexology and massage should not be painful. With reflexology, you can sometimes experience discomfort or tenderness on certain areas, but this should go away after your session. After a massage treatment, you can feel light-headed, with a slight headache and muscle soreness, but again, this should disappear quickly. Any symptoms are indicative of your body’s attempts to return to a state of balance and harmony and usually last no more than 24-48 hours.

    We always recommend you drink plenty of water after your session.

    How much will it cost?
    You can find details of our fees here.

    How do I get to you by public transport?
    Click here for full details.

    Where can I park?
    Click here for full details.

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